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19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532
Is periodontal disease associated with stomach cancer?
Did you know that brushing and flossing may actually reduce your risk for developing stomach cancer? A recent study completed at New York...
Another reason to brush your teeth
Did you know that brushing your teeth may reduce your risk of throat cancer? A new study performed at New York University published in...
Eat Your Way to a Healthier Mouth This Summer
Summer ushers in a season full of fresh produce. The fruits and vegetables available throughout the next few months are packed with...
Could Brushing Your Teeth Actually Reduce Your Risk of Developing Cancer?
This sounds almost not believable, but research is suggesting that keeping those pearly whites in good shape may actually help in...
How To Care For Your Teeth At Home While Undergoing Cancer Therapy
How does cancer care affect my mouth? As mentioned in other sections of this blog, cancer therapies, including chemotherapy, head and/or...
Hepatitis C and Head and Neck Cancers: What You Need to Know
New research suggests that hepatitis C is linked to an increased risk for developing head and neck cancers. It has been known for a while...
Oral bacteria and pancreatic cancer: how are they related?
Bacteria in one's mouth and pancreatic cancer? Yes, you read that correctly. It is well established that oral health is linked to...
Making New Year's Resolutions for Your Mouth
The new year is a chance to become a healthier you. For many, this means making New Year's resolutions such as eating healthier and...
Go ahead, have another cup of tea! #InternationalTeaDay
Today is international tea day! For centuries, tea has been a mainstay in the diet and traditions of many eastern cultures. For example,...
Planning for Thanksgiving With Your Mouth In Mind
Thanksgiving may be associated with weight gain, but did you know that the holiday can actually be an opportunity to work on your oral...
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